
My photo
Rural Kilbeg, Meath, Ireland
I'm just a country lad up in the big smoke trying to go to college

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Night out to forget

First of all sorry for the delay in updating my blog to be honest I was a bit busy this week. It was a fellow culchies birthday so we thought we'd show these jackeens in the big smoke how to drink. Well we started off in the local and drained a few pints, from there we decided to make the trip to the big smoke....... the city centre. It was too far to walk so get the "bus". A bus is a long yoke kinda like a big trailer with seats in it and an angry bald man up front. Now buses only stop at "bus stops".( it may sound simple but I learned the hard way chasing a bus at 20mph ). Now on the way to one of these "bus stops" our birthday culchie was egged by a racist anti-culchie hater. We were shocked and only for the dungarees it could have ruined their clothes. Anyway when we got there we were told we couldn't get in for two reasons one we were two drunk ( obviosly untrue as all we drank was 15 pints two naggans of whiskey and a bottle of poitin each so we were only starting ) and we need something called id I don't know what id is but I'm almost sure its anti-culchie code to exclude us from society. Why do ye hate culchies so much shure we're great anyway.

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