
My photo
Rural Kilbeg, Meath, Ireland
I'm just a country lad up in the big smoke trying to go to college

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Let talking culchies talk

Right I finished the college this year and since then I have been searching for a job. Well, I have never seen such "race-ism" or whatever they call it. You see everywhere I try they say no there's a re-session. Now that sounds like they're having another session everytime I ask. I doubt they're drinking that much I reckon its a conspiracy against learned culchies like me i.e. the one's who can spell stuff. I don't know why towny bastards don't like mild mannered culchies like me. Now I know I may be barred from most places, I might not be a big fan of hot water and soap but sure they hardly expect me to wash every week do they. They say your all alco-ma-holics. Now just cos I can drink more than the doctors say is safe means nothing I reckon they're just jealous. Then they say our manner is not too nice well if I think someones a hateful c**t I'll tell them even if they are an old age pensioner crossing the road. So yes I am angry I'm just a simple cuntry lad looking for a job in the big smoke and I'm sick of doing the huckle-buck dance in me over-alls and wellies at the fair while people pour milk on me. I'm not a freak I just look, sound and smell different to town folk.

Bye bye now

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Meeting with a stranger


Today I had strange encounter with an odd couple in Dublin on my way to get the bus home to the countryside I call home.
As I was walking down to the station a couple approached me. They were shuffling as though they were on something unnatural. As I got closer to them the man looked at me and said in his thick Dublin accent "are you'ez from Dublin". Most people can tell by the head on me I'm not but I had to do this gentleman the honor of opening my mouth. Once he heard my accent he wondered "are you from Sligo or that" I didn't want to lecture him so said yes. He then informed me "I ave an aunt in Ko-line-y so I do". I failed to see how this was related so presumed he thought "ko-line-y" was in Sligo. I didn't want to teach him a geography lesson so I nodded. Then came the inevitable question "Can you give me some money pleaz cos I need it for the bus" . I reckon by the time he finished that sentence I was already half-way home.

You see us culchies may seen like twinkly eyed eejits high stepping our way around the world covered in muck, eating raw meat off the animals we find in the fields but that's only half true. One thing that is true is this though you'd have more luck getting milk from a bull or selling rosary beads to the pope than you would getting money out of a culchie. When we get money they howld on to it for dear life.

So if you meet me I'll have grand auld chat with ya but ya needn't ask me for a penny because you won't get it high.

Bye now

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I'm Back

Hello I'm finnaly back on the interweb after along time out. First of all I would like to say fair play to Tom Macgilicuddy for winning Feirm Factor. Whats Feirm Factor I here you ask well its only the best programme to be on the box since Glenroe. It was a talent show to see who was Irelands best farmer. Tom was a deserved winner as he was a ginger dairy farmer from Kerry.

Anyway I'm glad to be back and hope to entertain ye with a few stories in the coming weeks of my travels so I do high.

Bye now and drive safe keep the Massey in third

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

MGS4 Review

I had to do a summary of an article for my coarse about something technological so I did the one down yonder hope ye enjoy.

Below is a review of a game for the Playstation three called Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots (from here on MGS4) from http://ps3.ign.com/articles/877/877611p1.html

Now many people think of games as silly trivial things but this game in was produced and directed by Mr. Hideo Kojima it wasn’t easy and it took along time to get to this point in fact he has been making the MGS series since 1987. Games have come along way since then and have become an entertainment medium now almost rivalling film’s and movies, in fact in MGS4 there are well over fifty voice actors. And that only this game the three games preceding this one all have numerous voice actors as well. David Hayter has provided the voice of Solid Snake since the game first appeared on the Playstation console in MGS 1 in1998.
MGS4 is the finale instalment of the Metal Gear Solid series. I have played the three previous titles and it’s sad to see it coming to an end. The graphic are amazing Hideo Kojima makes use of every piece of storage on the Blu-Ray (Sony’s new fancy dual layered disk) disk. This leads to vivid colours and rich textures to give at times jaw-dropping graphics.
Now I’m not going to ruin the story for you because believe me it’s far too important to enjoying the game. It really is like a movie, and like all good movies you don’t have to know what happened in the previous titles to enjoy it, but if you do it really adds a different dimension to it. There are some very long cut-scenes ( in game videos explaining the plot ) but they never feel too long as they just get better and better and more entertaining with each one. And you can skip them if you wish.
The controls are similar to the old game with a few minor tweaks such as at certain point you tilt the controller and use Sony’s new SIXAXIS system ( tilt recognition ) to look out of dust bins or lockers. However they are very intuitive and after a while you are pushing buttons without thinking.
How you approach each situation is up to you, maybe go in all guns blazing (weapons are upgradeable by the way) or you sneak around instead it’s all up to the player and their personal style. There is a lot of variety and a few twists and turns in the story along the way mean you have to try each one at least once.
The attention to detail is unbelievable Snake ages subtlety as the game progresses for example and music from the previous game’s plays in the background at various moments. Not to mention the flash-backs when Snake see’s something or someone from a previous game. By the way every loose tie from all the previous games are explained in full and the plot fully explained.
Now nearly every website or magazine that has reviewed it has given it near faultless reviews and I would too but don’t take my words for it go and play it. This is something that has to be experienced not read about, you can’t appreciate how good this is till you experience it first hand. Hopefully from reading you will do just that and go play this game.

Do ya wanna buy a pc

I actually wrote the following article after I got English lessons.

OK so you want to buy a computer for college. Now I prefer working on a PC to be honest but many students enjoy using a laptop because it’s mobile and can be cheaper too. However I find them awkward to type with and difficult to use the laptop mice as use have to drag your finger on them and they can be fiddly.
Anyway here are a few pointers for what ever you do decide to invest in. First of all is the memory. If you want to store all your favourite songs, photos of your friends and videos for the odd time your free then the more memory the better. ROM is something the people selling the computer will mention. This refers to read only memory and it is this that you save everything onto the more ROM you have the more you can save onto your computer. Now they also mention RAM this is random access memory and you don’t save onto this. This is very important though as your computer uses it for temporary stuff like playing Cd's for example. If you are using windows vista it’s advisable to have more than 1.5 gigabytes of RAM too ensure it’s good and fast. This brings me neatly to software. Most colleges and I.T’s have very up to date software so make sure your new computer has all the latest software from the off e.g. Windows Office 2007 files can’t be read or viewed on a PC with an older version of windows. Also make sure to have up to date anti-virus software as there are all manner of virus doing the rounds trying to infect computers. Also check the number of USB ports as you will have to use memory sticks throughout your years in college. This also brings me to memory sticks. A very important piece of hardware for the computer is a memory stick. All you do is pop it in the USB port and you can save all your files on it. Other important pieces of hardware include the mouse, keyboard, speakers and screen. Make sure the mouse and keyboard are both sturdy and comfortable you’ll be using them a lot so make sure you like them. As regards the speakers make sure the give a good sound quality in case you’re watching films on the computer. Now the screen is also very important firstly consider the size. If you’re going to be watching films or looking at photos then the bigger the better because you won’t be squinting to see most people go for something above 15 inches. Also check the screen resolution as if you going to be doing intricate work with photos for example you’ll want deep, dark and rich colours on the screen with crisp clear images. I would also advise you to invest in an external hard drive so you can back up all your files just in case. I would advise a big 500 gigabyte version or bigger.
Now here are a few tips for just laptops. Check battery life as you don’t want to be writing something on the bus only for your laptop to shut down because it’s just gone flat. Also check to see if it’s WIFI compatible as if it is you can access the Internet for free in WIFI zones like MC Donald’s or cafes etc.
Lastly shop around. You are a student so find one that has everything you want at an affordable price. Try it before you buy to make sure that you like it and that it feels OK to type on.

Not bad high and it only took eight weeks of lessons.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Link a ma bobs

Well how are ya
I just thought that seeing as I'm doing Psychology I'd share what I've learned so far. First of all there is a site for dicussing stuff just bop on down for a bit a banter.

Also pop on inta this site it's from the psychological society of Ireland.

Now the yanks also have a website. It is run by the American Psychological Association. If you care what the yanks have to say just go to the link below and tell em I sent ya

And last but not least heaon over to the following link for a case study of an "abnormal" person.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Well how are ya
I just thought that seeing as I'm doing Psychology I'd share what I've learned so far. First of all there is a site for dicussing stuff just bop on down for a bit a banter."http://appliedpsychology.proboards.com/"

Also pop on inta this site it's from the psychological society of Ireland. "http://www.psihq.ie/"

Now the yanks also have a website. It is run by the American Psychological Association. If you care what the yanks have to say just go to the link below and tell em I sent ya "http://www.apa.org/"

And last but not least heaon over to the following link for a case study of an "abnormal" person. "http://www.liesvslogic.blogspot.com"